Exciting news from Horizn! The Horizn  Platform, which is used to power the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) Digital Activation Platform, helped  RBC win the Celent Model Bank of the Year 2020 award.

Significant change programs are never “one and done.” Instead, transformative change results when firms are guided by sound strategies that enable them to execute multiple initiatives, while also remaining flexible as market conditions and organizational capabilities shift. Among this year’s Celent Model Bank nominations, no organization exemplifies transformative change better than RBC.

Two of the initiatives referenced in this case study, NOMI and RBC’s digital activation strategy, were 2018 Celent Model Bank award winners. Both have been substantially improved since and showcase how RBC created digital experiences for its customers that are increasingly personalized, relevant, and valuable. The result is felt by clients and employees alike in a way that few banks have been able to match.

Accelerating with the Pace of Change 

Digital has become the primary way clients engage with RBC. Capability releases have grown from tens to hundreds a year. Amid changing market forces and an accelerating pace of change, RBC recognized a paradigm shift was needed. The Digital Activation Paradigm (DAP) was created to drive continued transformation through multiple concurrent programs and projects. 

Read how RBC’s investment in digital activation resulted in demonstrable improvements in staff and client engagement that produced quantifiable improvements in business metrics. 

Digital Activation Platform Results  

  • Over 30,000 active participants
  • 100% of employees digitally fluent
  • 75% of employees were fluent on new capabilities 30 days before client launch
  • 50% increase in customer demos since Digital Navigator Tools launch

Business Results

  • 83% of active client base are now digitally active
  • 17% growth of mobile active users
  • Over 90% of employees using mobile banking
  • Significant engagement by clients with innovative capabilities NOMI