Thank you for visiting, we are looking forward to meeting with you

In advance of our fireside chat we would like to share with you a few key pieces of content that will help us share our story.

At Horizn we are not shy, we get onstage, we get on planes, we go to events, we enter awards with our clients and we chat with clients around the world. We are in the most fortunate position, to have a front row seat to the inside of some of the largest financial institutions in the world. We see new innovation first hand and help make sureĀ our clients get their customers and employees digital fluent ensuring the highest rate of digital adoption. We see the movement of digitization becoming central to businessĀ and we are looking forward to sharing with you how we help our clients achieve this.Ā 

If you have a moment please take a look at some recent videos and a recent article below.

Best of Show copy

Horizn was recognized as “Best of Show” at Finovate Europe 2020 in Berlin

Watch the Video


Sibos Interview: Exploring the Human Side of Innovation and Digital Adoption

Watch the Video

Digital Adoption

Financial IT Sibos interview,Ā defining digital adoption in banking

Read the Article